Beauty is in the eye of the Beloved

Beauty. It’s everywhere we look. On TV, in magazines, described in books. It’s unavoidable and to so many unattainable. Do boys like big butts, or long legs today? Is the most beautiful woman a brunette or blonde. What’s worse is we can change and alter our appearance on a whim. Reconstructive surgery, hair dies, make up, tanning beds. Pills and supplements to make our muscles look bigger, our hair grow thicker. Everything can be fashioned after the latest fad.

We have stopped seeing the beauty that the Lord has put in us. We have stopped seeing that because the Lord loves us, we are altogether beautiful.

I read Song of Solomon as the ultimate love story. My bibles actual description of this book is “A picture of God’s love for Israel and of Christ’s love for the Church” So I take it from the mouth of God when it says;

Song of Solomon 4:7

You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you.

If God himself says we are beautiful who are we to doubt him? Society has turned our perfect beauty, our God awing beauty into something dirty. Something to be lusted over, to be a prize that when a boy is nice enough to you, or when it’s been the right amount of time, or just because your bored, you give your beauty away.

Because the beauty that the Lord sees is harder for us to see, he sees the beauty within.

1 Samuel 16:7

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.

I have a friend, and sister in Christ. She in November took a month to rid herself of the chains of makeup. Not because make up is evil or the devils work. No, so she could learn to love herself exactly as the Lord had created her.

That’s mind blowing. While I am far from wearing makeup every day, the idea of not wearing any make up, at all, for any reason, for a month terrifies me.

And that’s because I’m scared to love myself for who I am.

And that’s wrong.

God made me.

He made me in his very image (Gen 1:27 “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”).

He loves me.

And I DARE not to love myself.

I DARE not to find beauty in myself?

I DARE disagree when the Lord of Lords over my beauty? Where he sees me, I see fat rolls, ugly body features, I see frizzy hair and small eyes. I could sit here and list out the reasons I hate my body, my appearance. The fact that I do not feel beautiful unless I have spent hours and countless dollars changing it, is heart wrenching.


We are beautiful not because of how we look, but because God made us. Because he has molded our hearts to love him. Because He says so.

Song of Solomon 1:15

Behold, you are beautiful, my love; behold, you are beautiful

Because He loves, so do I,


P.S. You should check out the blog I mentioned earlier, the writers passion for the Lord is setting the world on fire

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